Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday, 2/28/2016

Reid liked going to the park on Saturday because "I want to stay at the park". Reid's favorite game at the park is Grumpy Old Troll. It's is favorite game becuase he likes to be on Dad's team. Reid is not afraid of the twisty slides at the park. Once, Reid got stuck in the twisty slide. He doesn't know he got out.

Reid's lesson at church was about water. We can have spiritual blesings because of water, like the sacrament and baptism. And there are other blessings like sea horses because of the water.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Q & A with Mom

I would say I am thankful for my presents. I am thankful for the sun.

What is your favorite thing at church? Going in the nursery and doing a lesson of Jesus

Who is your favorite super hero and why? Black Spiderman because

Tell me what you know about your grandparents? I like grandma and grandpa, I like grandma Sally and grandpa Ron. I like grandma Torria (Vittoria) and grandpa Torria. coming to her house, thats a good idea.